meet our team



“Behold I am making all things new!”  Revelation 21:5 is a constant reminder of the hope that is found in Jesus and has been a driving force for Pastor Christi.  She pursued a degree in Social Work from Indiana University in an effort to bring tangible signs of hope to those in difficult circumstances.  Following a career in the mental health field, she said “yes” to God’s call to be a stay-at-home mom before embarking on a new career as a church administrator.  Each of those seasons moved Christi closer to her call to pastoral ministry and, in 2017, she was appointed to her first church.  Through every transition, hope is driving force.  Hope for men and women in need, her children, and ultimately, pointing all people to the hope found in Christ alone.  

In her spare time, Christi enjoys photography, music, and spending time in nature – camping when she can.


Director of Administration and Discipleship, Early Learning Center Administrator

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Trusting God and His words from Jeremiah 29:11, Tammy Taylor left public education after 25 years, to join the staff of CCUMC.  Beginning as an educational teacher consultant for the CCUMC Childcare, then moving into center development, she merged the child care and preschool forming CCUMC Early Learning Center, (ELC).  Additionally, Tammy is the Director of Administration and Discipleship for the church. God created us to live in community, helping others connect and find that community at CCUMC is her desire. 

Outside of her church position, Tammy enjoys the challenge of planning a good trip. She loves to travel abroad with her husband Bret, take family trips with their adult children, Zach and Lauren, and spend weekends at the lake with family or friends. 


Communications Specialist

Originally from southwest Arkansas where most of her family still resides, Ashley has lived in Indiana for just over eight years. She moved to Decatur to work as a reporter and later associate editor of the Decatur Daily Democrat. Ashley graduated from Henderson State University with a MLA in Rhetoric and Composition. 

She now lives outside of Fort Wayne with her family, Brian and Charlene. Ashley most enjoys spending time with her daughter. She and Charlene spend a lot of time outside, weather permitting, especially at the zoo, which her sister also frequents with them. Ashley also likes to read, write, and try new restaurants. 

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