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March 2025 Newsletter
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March 2025


Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14, NASB

Lent is nearly here, what are you giving up this year?  I wish I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question!  

Over the years I’ve given up soda, chocolate, carbs, and all sorts of things I needed to give up anyway.  For too many years, I gave stuff up to reduce my waistline instead of increasing my faith.   Until the year my pastor challenged me to add something in, rather than give something up.  That year I added time in a devotion that truly helped me grow in faith.  Since then, I’ve added specific prayers, devotions, small group studies, scripture readings, and all sorts of things that make intentional space for God to work.

Lent is a 40-day journey of spiritual growth that leads us to Easter. It is a time to strengthen spiritual practices that help us grow in faith – dare I say, grow in love for God and others.  That is how Jesus describes it.  And, it is why we are asking the Holy Spirit to empower us with hope and courage.  

So, for this Lent, I’d like to offer you the same challenge my pastor offered me all those years ago.  Add something in rather than give something up.  I’d like to suggest that you make that “something” an act of love for God and others each day.  

We show love for God through worship, prayer, and meditation.  Perhaps you might add a time of worship each morning – sing a song of praise, a specific prayer of thanksgiving, or even quiet time in God’s presence.  

As for love for others, we’ve been making a list for just this very reason.  Consider what you can do during Lent to show love.  Consider who you know who needs Jesus’ love in their lives.

Struggling to come up with something?  Ask God to schedule divine appointments in your life and commit to them – even when they pop up like inconvenient interruptions in your day.  

I’m so excited to hear how the Holy Spirit will empower you with hope and courage this Lent as you grow to love God and others, first.  

I’m excited to hear your stories of how God has broken through the barriers that would normally hold you back!  

I’m excited to kick off Lent with a 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Worship service designed to make God’s presence real and tangible.  

And, I’m excited for a whole season of prayer stations designed to support your ADDED Lenten Practice of LOVE.  For God, and for others.  

Joining you in a commitment to ADD LOVE this Lent – with great hope and courage,

Pastor Christi 


  • March 16 is ELC Sunday.  
  • PKE registration for the 2025-2026 school year is in full swing.  An Open House for perspective families will happen on Tuesday, March 4, 6-7pm.  If you know a family that is looking for pre-school please share this information.
  • ELC Summer Camp is the opportunity for children grades K-5th to have fun this summer.  Each week focuses on a different theme: Art, Science, Sports, etc.  Camp runs June 2 – August 8, 7:30-4:30 M-F.  Summer camp tuition is $180/week for the summer or $200/week for drop-ins. Tuition includes lunch and two snacks. Please share this information with anyone looking for summer placement for school aged children.  Spaces are limited and CCDF vouchers are accepted.  Registration forms are located on the website.  For further information contact Stephanie, 260.244.7671 or


Registration for camps in Indiana are now open. If you are interested in going, or for more information, go to

The church does have funds designated for church camp for those who need help. Contact Pastor Christi for more information about how to get this help.


Please join us on Wednesday, March 5, at 6:00 pm, as we begin a season of prayer.  Ash Wednesday service will lead us prayerfully as we move love out into the community.


We have openings in the Infant room beginning April 1. These openings are filled in order from the waitlist.  

Please contact Stephanie Clark, or 260-244-7671 for more information.


As we seek to practice Love First, during the season of Lent six prayer stations are set in the sanctuary.  Prayer stations help people pray by providing a space and activities that encourage reflection and connection to God.

Jesus demonstrated a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer stations will be available before and after church on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday mornings, 8-12, and 2-3 pm Wednesday’s.  

Directions and prayer packets are at the back of the sanctuary. Prayer stations are positioned down each side of the sanctuary.  We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to pray scripture, look deeper into your heart, and draw closer to God.


March birthdays


2 - Lenna Burnham  

4 - Nancy Reiff

7 – Kent Davison 

7 – Sandy Thomas  

11 – Harrison Harker         

13 – Angie Metzger

13 – Linda Sevier  

14 – Marilyn Birk    

15 – David Bilger   

15 – Sue White  

16 – Deb Minier 

19 – Paula Romanowski  

22 – Eli Lambert   

24 – Ron Berry 

29 – Barbara Oechsle

30 – Eileen Eberhart

30 – Kinley Moore


March anniversaries 


13 – Mike and Cheryl Copp

15 – George and Karen Coppens

17 – Mike and Cindy Lemmon

21 – John and Robin Kleiman

22 – Mark and Tam Parker

30 – Ron and Kris Richey


Oak Pointe: 
Francis, Dee, Harrison, Natalie, Nancy, Barbara

The Oaks:  
Bette, Elaine

Byron Health Center: 

Peabody Retirement Community: 
Julia, Marilyn, Phil

Betty, Barb, Ron, Ruth, Louise, Donna, Florence

Autumn Trace: 
Evelyn (resident)

Sign up here!

 SINGO EVENT: Let’s support BABE through participating or providing snacks for their fundraising event, SINGO March 7, 2025 7:00pm at BABE, 605 Forest Parkway, CCUMC.


Finance Report

CCUMC January financials included three pay periods with lower revenue from

contributions and an interest income loss for a net revenue of -$16,132.00. The ELC January financials also included three pay periods and lower revenue than budget from ELC fees for a net loss of $10,456. The ELC January revenue was consistent with the average 2024 monthly revenue. 

The group reviewed information on benchmarking of community childcare and preschool fees. The ELC has initiated a twice a year $25 supplies fee and a $10/wk increase for childcare.


Pastor Christi presented the idea of shifting to a ELC board model with separate financials (bank account). 

Robin will reconvene the ELC task force along with Randy, the ELC Director and Wendy to discuss ELC recommendations and report back to the council in March.

Randy has been in his role as the ELC Director for 6 weeks and has been active with team building, training, and meeting with grant writers. He wants to improve the ELC playground to be more age appropriate for the children.

Follow Up on Beginning of the Year Council Items

The District Superintendent challenges for the year were reviewed. They are shown below.

  • Develop at least one new ministry to address the identified needs of our community.
  • Intentionally connect with two other congregations in ministry, mission, service, and fellowship.

Proposed ideas include the following:

  • Local church youth groups to come together quarterly. 
  • New Christian movie coming out for youth and families.
  • Halloween party
  •  BABE Singo event on March 7 at 7 pm for fundraising. Babe has asked for church participation to support them.


Pastor’s Report

Pastor Christi reported on potential members for the two new Task Forces to be formed (Missions and Outreach Team and Facility Use Team). She discussed empowering the congregation to identify the community’s unmet needs. Pastor Christi explained how the Church Council works to minister and keep church activities within the boundaries of the church’s mission, values and vision.


The March Church Council meeting will include council training.

It was suggested that the church celebrate community successes and provide encouragement using the church sign, face book or recognition at Sunday’s service.

Reported witnessing of our mission and vision in action included: positive impact of congregation members bringing communion to the home bound, spiritual gifts class, confirmation class and new member class.

(260) 244-7671 •
605 Forest Parkway Columbia City, IN 46725

Christi Murray, Pastor —

Tammy Taylor, Director of Administration and Discipleship —

Ashley Bailey, Communications Specialist —

Gary Shanklin, Bookkeeper –

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