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As a church, we love to witness and celebrate everything that God is doing right now around the world, but it cannot stop at witness. As a church we want to do. As our mission statement says, we cannot simply Be a disciple, but we have to go and Make disciples. Every week at Columbia City United Methodist, we work to equip and send people to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Christ. Whether through a meal, fellowship, grief support, world missions, local missions, or we strive to show the love of Christ each and every day to all people.

Click below to learn more about our outreach partners in the Columbia City community.


You are a missionary. You have a mission. To prepare a place where the one matters by encouraging people to Be One and Make One through serving in a ministry of mission here at Columbia City United Methodist Church. To take up a mantel that Christ has left for us.

At Columbia City, we aim to live our mission statement, Be One Make One. To be part of a Christian community invites more than simply showing up…it means becoming co-owners and co-creators with God, and one another, of the kind of communities that God desires. The Kingdom is not about us. The mission of every follower of Jesus was given in Matthew 28:18-20 which tells us to go and make disciples.

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